Tuesday, October 11, 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Day 11 - Milton the Monster

I discovered this gem of a cartoon in my early video trading days. My roommate Randy told me about this bizarre little cartoon he was looking for called Milton the Monster. He described it as Frankenstein meets Gomer Pyle in cartoon form, he hit the nail on the head (or lack there of;-) Anyways Milton was a Frankenstein-looking monster, a smiling, good-natured fellow, thanks to the Professor using too much "tincture of tenderness" as explained in the opening theme. Milton had a hollow head which emitted puffs white steam depending in his mood. Created by mad scientist Professor Montgomery Weirdo and his assistant Count Kook, they lived in a haunted house on Horror Hill, along with fellow monsters Heebie - a skull-faced, top hat-wearing zombie with a Peter Lorre voice, and Jeebie - a slow-witted, cyclopian, hairy green creature with a single sharp tooth that was often used to open soda cans. Professor Weirdo's nemesis was Professor Fruitcake, another mad scientist who lived in a castle on an opposite hill. Professor Fruitcake's major creation was Zelda the Zombie. Other characters in the series included Fangenstein, a biker monster apparently inspired by Marlon Brando, his sidekick, Abercrombie the Zombie and Professor Weirdo's aunt, the witchy Aunt Hagatha.
If you haven't seen this before it's well worth checking out, ESPECIALLY if you are a fan of 60's animation and satire.  The show is available on DVD, and here's a sample:

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