Sunday, September 25, 2011


Back in the late 90's I was running a community access cable TV station in Beach Park Illinois. The channel ran a total of about 6 hours a day and one of my goals was to start running 24/7. We had plenty of local programming however I was open to accepting outside programs for playing "off hours". One show that came across my desk was a tape labeled The Hypnotic Eye out of Dallas, Texas. Most of the outside shows I received were crap but this show was AMAZING! Produced by Joe Riley the show's host was a giant eyeball puppet (stick with me on this, it gets better!) and featured classic 60's commercials, Japanese monsters, psychedelic music, B-movies, Japanese surf guitar bands, exploitation movie trailers, punk bands and bizarre cartoons. If anyone remembered Night Flight on the USA Network in the 80's, this was like the community access version of Night Flight from Hell! I was hooked and immediately gave the show a Saturday midnight timeslot (right after my own show *progrock;-) Sadly it was not meant to be, the show was soon cancelled and never aired on our channel:-( As years passed it became sort of an urban myth that such a bizarre thing even existed. Thankfully a few of the episodes are being hosted on the site for your viewing pleasure!

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