Friday, September 30, 2011

The Belated Remembering of Kevin McCarthy

One of the purposes of this blog is to post some of the goofy stories of people I have encountered over the years. Since I just started this blog, I never had a chance to share my story of Kevin McCarthy when he sadly passed away last year. In the late 90's I owned a mail order company that specialized in commercially released TV shows on video called "Don't Touch That Dial". We were one of the first internet web stores of it's kind, carrying stuff from the major studios, like Star Trek, Cheers & I Dream of Jeannie, but we also carried stock from smaller labels like classic commercial compilations and 50's TV shows. We would frequently have tables at various science fiction and Hollywood autograph collectors shows. One such show was Ray Court's Hollywood Collector's show. These are shows that featured TV and Movie memorabilia dealers as well as Hollywood stars who would talk with fans, sign autographs and sell merchandise. Ray started doing shows in Chicago so we'd get a table, and usually wound up next to some type of celebrity. One year we ended up next to Kevin McCarthy on one side of us and one of the stars from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory on the other (to keep it simple I won't mention any names). We got set up, the Willy Wonka guy arrives, pictures on his table on the other side of us, neatly organized in nice, straight stacks with a sign stating "all pictures signed $40". A bit steep for a guy who only played a bit part in the film. Kevin arrives sharply at 9:57 (show opened at 10) carrying a suitcase direct from the 1940's, with photos bulging out of the sides of the thing like they were crammed in there last minute. Kevin opens the suitcase and dumps everything on the table in one big massive pile, turns to me and gives me a smile "How ya doin'? Okay let's get started!" Just like the crazy, fun  uncle all the kids love, but the parents don't like because they think such behavior is a "bad influence" on the kids! Throughout the day Kevin has a HUGE line, greeting fans, signing photos and talking up a storm. Meanwhile Willy Wonka-boy has 1 or 2 people at the most. Throughout the weekend I get the chance to talk to Kevin about everything from 50's pulp magazines, cookware (I'm NOT kidding) to some of the roles he played and many of the GREAT people, and assholes he has had to work with throughout the years. Many of the celebrities of the shows are collecting piles of cash, however I never noticed Kevin taking even a dollar, much to the chagrin of "Willy Wonka Boy" who took in very little. Sunday rolls around near the end of the show and I decided to get a autograph photo from Kevin. I asked him if he has any Invasion of the Body Snatchers photos (I know, dump question). He dives in this HUGE mountain of pictures on his table, pulls out one and signs it. Before I could even thank him Kevin snatches it from my hands and exclaims "Fuck that, that's an AWFUL picture!" rips it up, pulls out another one and does the same. "Shit! That one sucks too! HERE!" This goes on about 4 or 5 times when he finally settles on one he is satisfied with. I ask him how much for the picture, he replies "No charge, it's yours!" I asked how much he made during the weekend, he replied "About 10 bucks, that's because the woman ran off before I could give her the money back!". It was then I realized Kevin was having the time of his life that weekend! Just then Willy Wonka boy whined "Well I've been here all weekend and haven't made shit!" to which Kevin quipped back using the PERFECT Victor Eugene Scrimshaw voice and smiling "Well some of us don't do it for the money ya know!" It was then I realized many of these people DO do it for the money, however some do realize that there are many people out there, who REALLY appreciate the work they have done throughout the years, and sometimes they just like to do things, not for the money, but for that gentle reminder.

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