Saturday, September 24, 2011

Please fasten your safesy belts and put your tray tables in the upright position!

After much hounding from friends I have decided to put a blog together, hiring the best writers and traveling the globe to bring late breaking news stories from around the world. Not really but I plan on posting some cool stuff. Also please be sure to visit my other blog based on Denver here Television at TV DENVER. Here I'll be posting various items of interest as well as updates. First a little but about myself I guess. I've been collecting classic TV shows on video since I was 17, TV at the time sucked so I decided to collect shows I remember growing up with, and several shows I never got to see. For my "day job" I work as a video editor at National Cinemedia, we're the ones that do the in-cinema advertising so if you've ever seen the "First Look" pre-show, then you've seen some of my work. I'm also running a PR company and will be representing several atrists, actors and musicians (more on that later). Well enough of my babbling, let's get to work!

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