Monday, September 26, 2011

Monster Cereals Are Back (sort of)

Visiting the grocery shelves I was delighted (and horror-fied) to see my childhood friends FRANKEN BERRY, COUNT CHOCULA and BOO-BERRY back on the store shelves in time for the Halloween season. Naturally everything has to be "redesigned" and "new". Now I don't expect to see the original packaging as I remember (though with all of the retro revivals among grocery items it would be possible) but I didn't expect to see this:

 Mrs. Atomic mentioned the new design, Franken-Berry now looks like a baby. I gotta agree!
Boo-Berry even looks WORSE! He looks...well like...some sort of blob thing instead of a ghost.
Chocula is the least ruined (he still looks like a baby. Okay maybe a 1 year-old with his first tooth)

Here's the classics as we remember them:

And here's a couple for extra credit. Fruit Brute was VERY limited (only lasted about a year) however I've seen original empty boxes sell on E-Bay for over $1,000!!

Yummy Mummy came out in the 80's but didn't last long either.

Here's one last Halloween treat.

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